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Relief milking rates and expenses.

Rates And Expenses (Part 5)

In this, the final, segment of our five-part series, we’ll conclude by looking at a couple aspects of relief milking that can crop up from time to time. Milking For Cash For reasons of your own, you may wish to be paid with cash. Some farmers will be happy to oblige, but most will probably…

Relief milking rates and expenses.

Rates And Expenses (Part 4)

In Part 4 of this series, we begin by looking at how to ensure that you get paid in a timely manner, upon completing each of your jobs. Getting Paid The vast majority of farmers pay their relief milkers on time. Unfortunately, there are a few who will drag things out and put off paying…

Relief milking rates and expenses.

Rates And Expenses (Part 3)

In Part 3 of our five-part series, we begin by looking at what is undoubtedly a relief milker’s biggest expense – driving to their jobs. Mileage Costs Chances are, you are going to be travelling a fair bit to reach different farms for your milkings, and mileage costs can seriously affect your earnings. Keep in…

Relief milking rates and expenses.

Rates And Expenses (Part 2)

In this segment of our five-part series, we begin by looking at the pros and cons of ‘hourly’ and ‘per-milking’ rates, and the sort of figures relief milkers should be aiming for. Hourly Or Per Milking Rates The choice between charging per hour or per milking is a significant decision that can impact your earnings…

Relief milking rates and expenses.

Rates And Expenses (Part 1)

I thought we might have a look at perhaps the most important aspect of being a relief milker, namely the financial aspect. Deciding upon your rates is going to be a crucial aspect of your trade. The financial compensation you receive should not only reflect your experience, role, skills, and workload, but it will also…

Sole charge relief milking in New Zealand.

Why I Prefer Sole Charge

One question I get asked a lot, is why I prefer sole charge relief jobs as opposed to taking on jobs as assistant. There are several reasons, which I’ll try to explain in the following post. I’ve been relief milking full-time since 2014, for the majority of that time in sole charge. Prior to that…